Already regretting your overindulgence in the biggest feast of the year? Why waste the energy?

In my experience, even with the best laid plans for watching portions, not going for seconds (who does that on Thanksgiving??), and being hyper-selective, most people leave the Thanksgiving table feeling over-fed.

I’ll be honest. The Thanksgiving meal isn’t my favorite. In fact, I really don’t get that excited about it; left to my own devices, I’d plan a completely different menu to celebrate the day. But that’s not the point. The point is, most people get REALLY excited about the traditional dishes, abundance of food, and the opportunity to spend the day feasting.

The flip side of that is spending the next day feeling like you’re on a speeding bullet train to weeks of overindulgence. After all, once you’ve “BLOWN IT”, you may as well keep eating, right? Regretting how much, and what you ate yesterday isn’t helpful, and careening into the next few weeks eating everything in sight won’t help you feel better, either.

Try putting yesterday into perspective. It was ONE DAY. Not enough to add pounds, and certainly not enough to derail your intention to make it through the holidays without having to drag yourself back to a place where you feel healthy and fit. Seriously. Overeating at one meal doesn’t mean take the brakes off and careen into 2013 inhaling everything in sight.

Use today to regroup, rather than regret. Go for a walk or do YOUR favorite activity that gets you moving, and enjoy those turkey day leftovers with lots of fruits and veggies. You’ll feel better in no time.