I believe that you. . .

Want to elevate your health and optimize your commitment to well-being with accurate, trusted information and answers to your nutrition and lifestyle questions.

I believe that you. . .

Want to be part of a community of like-minded women who’ve walked the breast cancer path and are determined to experience resilient living.

I believe that you. . .

Are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle regimen, regardless of what you’ve been through with your breast cancer experience.

I believe that so strongly, I’ve created a space where you can do all of that and more. 




SO glad to be here. Big thanks to you, Cathy, for starting Higher Ground. You reminded me why I’m doing this, and helped me re-align positively. Thank you!  FOUNDING MEMBER ~J.M.



Every month, this exclusive membership delivers:

  • Master classes on topics you want to learn more about, so you can take charge of your health with confidence (a few examples): 
    • Nutrition – impact on healing and outcomes
    • Diet – best for breast cancer, dairy-free, plant-based, etc.
    • Food – what to choose, what to avoid, recipes
    • Fitness – how to improve/maintain your fitness level
    • Exercise – which exercises are safe and effective
    • Wellness – practices that deliver true balance
    • Self-Care – how to be kind to yourself
    • Well-being – how to find it and maintain it
  • Worksheets, checklists and tip sheets so you can implement what you learn and see real-time progress toward your health and fitness goals.
  • LIVE group Q&A with me, so you can ask questions and clarify concepts to implement what you learn in a way that best serves YOUR unique needs.
  • Community engagement to inspire you, hold you accountable, and champion your efforts so you can get consistent with your healthy lifestyle.


All your blogs and free videos are excellent quality. They made me decide to join HIGHER GROUND. FOUNDING MEMBER ~P.S.



If I were to guess the TOP THREE QUESTIONS you have about joining, they would be these:  



Why would I pay for information I get FREE at my cancer center?
Pamphlets are great for basic information. They’re written by freelance writers, for “general breast cancer patient audiences.” But if you have specific questions about your diet or exercise program, targeted answers from someone with nutrition and lifestyle expertise, as well as having an actual breast cancer experience go deeper. 
Why wouldn’t I just ask my oncologist what I should eat and if exercise is ok?
Oncologists are trained to manage your medications, treatments and outcomes, but they’re not trained in nutrition and/or lifestyle. What happens when you have questions BETWEEN visits? Wouldn’t it be great to have 24/7 access to a health hub created and led by an experienced dietitian, nutrition therapist and personal trainer? 
I can find recipes, diet and exercise guidelines online, why wouldn’t I stick with internet searches?
You can search the Internet for all the online information you could possibly want. But who has that kind of time? How do you know what to trust? What’s your tolerance for overwhelm and data mining? Imagine having it all in ONE PLACE, updated regularly, and accessible 24/7.

I love your vision, high quality info and support. It’s so true that there is a lot of conflicting info out there. I’m glad to be here. Thanks, Cathy for creating this program. FOUNDING MEMBER ~ M.S.

I’m so confident that this will give you what you want and need, that I’m offering you a

30-day money back guarantee!

If, within the first 30 days of joining you don’t feel more confident, empowered and inspired about your healthy lifestyle, I’ll refund 100% of your fee.

It’s easy to join HIGHER GROUND! >>>>>>>>


Once you enroll, you can get started immediately with:

  1. HIGHER GROUND HEALTH-FOCUS Worksheet and Planner  
  2. Access to private Facebook group (I’ll be there!).

 Your first month’s content will be delivered to you on JUNE 1, 2020.

I like the membership and always enjoy information that helps me to better myself. I love credible nutritional information, motivational encouragement, and support to stay on the healthy track. FOUNDING MEMBER ~P.F.