by Cathy Leman | Apr 30, 2015 | Cooking, Healthy Eating, Healthy Lifestyle, Inspiration, Motivation, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
It happens every, single, workday, Monday through Friday. LUNCH. I LOVE lunch, especially the lunches I make for myself (nutritious, delicious, and FREE!). I’m definitely not a lunch skipper; I’ve got to be on top of my mental game for afternoon clients, meetings or...
by Cathy Leman | Apr 13, 2015 | Healthy Eating, Vegan, Vegetarian
Guest Blog by NutriFit Admin, Leah Freund US Veg Pledge Week is April 20-26, 2015. Last year I took this same pledge to go meat-free for one week, and one year later, I (mostly) haven’t looked back (I’m currently part-time vegetarian, part-time pescetarian, because I...
by Cathy Leman | Apr 1, 2015 | Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Inspiration, MOVE Back, Risk Reduction
I hate to sit. If I could walk or run to every destination, every day, and only stand once I arrived, I’d be thrilled. Unfortunately time, distance, inclement weather, and the potential for countless awkward situations doesn’t allow that. It turns out that sitting is...