by Cathy Leman | Jul 19, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Risk Reduction, sleep
Not only do we feel and function better when we get enough sleep, some research suggests it may help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence. I love to sleep. Actually, my husband may love for me to sleep even more than I love for me to sleep. When I don’t get my...
by Cathy Leman | Jul 12, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Fitness, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
“Even before treatment starts, you can help the healing process begin.” ~ Cathy Leman, MA, RD, LD Prior to my 2014 breast cancer diagnosis, I spent my days working as a nutrition therapist and personal trainer. If I described my professional life as simply...
by Cathy Leman | Jul 5, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Cancer
Summer is here, and that means fruits and veggies are ripe for the picking! Whether your picking’s come from farmers markets, a CSA (community supported agriculture) share, fruit stands, or your own backyard garden, taking advantage of nature’s summertime bounty is a...