"Friending" Food

"Friending" Food

Like it or not, Facebook and all of its colloquialisms has woven its way into our vernacular. “Friending” is an especially ubiquitous FB term. Suddenly we’re “friending” and “unfriending” people left and right. Some friends we...

MyPlate Keeps It Simple

I clearly remember, way back in 1992, when the original food guide pyramid made its debut. I had just gone back to college to earn my nutrition degree and RD. I went to school at night, worked in corporate America by day.  The building cafeteria placed pyramid table...

Meal, Ready-to-eat (MRE)

I have 5 amazing nephews, one of whom happens to be a Marine. I was fortunate to spend time with him over the Labor Day holiday when he made an unexpected trip home, brimming with stories of weeks in “the field”, grueling training sessions, and of course,...