by Cathy Leman | Mar 29, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Nutrition
March 2018 is coming to a close, and with that, so is my collection of posts on the psychology of food, eating, emotion and breast cancer. I’ve really enjoyed sharing this information with you! My hope is that you’ve gained new insights, perspective or appreciation...
by Cathy Leman | Oct 27, 2017 | BITE Back, Breast Cancer, Lifestyle, Nutrition, STRIKE Back
When you celebrate a milestone anniversary, throw a bash, and 13,000 people show up? It could end up messy, chaotic, and jumbled, or, as was the case for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 100th anniversary celebration, a rousing success. Sure, there was some... by Cathy Leman | Oct 19, 2017 | BITE Back, Breast Cancer, Fitness, Lifestyle, MOVE Back, Nutrition, Oregon, Plant-based, Portland, Prevention, Risk Reduction, STRIKE Back, Travel, Vegan
Upon returning from my travels, my practice is to do a write-up highlighting information to help you stay “health-focused” should you one day find yourself visiting the same locale. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again (forever), packing healthy habits...
by Cathy Leman | Oct 12, 2017 | BITE Back, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
Ok, it really wasn’t my plan to quite so quickly pen a follow-up to last week’s “The SWEET Guide to Navigating Breast Cancer & Sugar”, but the response to that information has been so overwhelmingly positive, I still have A LOT to say/share, and I’m up to my... by Cathy Leman | Sep 28, 2017 | BITE Back, Nutrition
I began last Friday like I do every Friday when I’m not traveling, at my “Yoga Flow” class. Well, that’s not entirely true. I actually began my day with an amazing cup of coffee (#grateful), courtesy of (in my opinion) the best invention in the universe; autobrew. I’m...
by Cathy Leman | Sep 7, 2017 | Breast Cancer, Fitness, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
It was time to cry uncle. Over the long Labor Day weekend I was not physically idle for a second (sleeping doesn’t count), and neither was my mind. I’d been chewing on an issue that just wouldn’t leave me alone – the question of how to wrap my mind around...