by Cathy Leman | Dec 19, 2022 | Breast Cancer, Fitness, Nutrition, Risk Reduction, sleep, weight loss, Wellness
What is it about the holiday season that sends us into frenzied, wild abandonment of the tried and true habits that keep us sane, fit, limber, focused, grounded, nourished and strong (mentally AND physically) the other 11 months of the year? I honestly don’t know....
by Cathy Leman | Oct 5, 2022 | Cancer, Healthy Lifestyle, Motivation, Prevention, Risk Reduction
*** I initially wrote this post in October 2014. *** My doctor had discovered a lump in my left breast, and I was awaiting my mammogram appointment. . .the outcome of which would change the entire trajectory of my life. Thought I’d bring it back in 2022. ....
by Cathy Leman | Jul 21, 2022 | Breast Cancer, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
Maybe your breast cancer IS your fault. You drank the booze and ate all the fatty, sugary, floury, fried, processed, battered, crunchy, salty foods you love. Because everyone knows saying “no” to food you love is torture, and who willingly submits herself...
by Cathy Leman | Feb 21, 2022 | BITE Back, Breast Cancer, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
Ready to focus on your ticker? This blog is devoted to all things breast health after treatment for ER/PR+ cancer, but remember, there’s a link between heart disease and breast cancer, which I wrote about here. It’s just as important to pay attention to the...
by Cathy Leman | Sep 8, 2021 | Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Inspiration, MOVE Back, Nutrition, Prevention, Risk Reduction
I adore the word “elevate”. It’s a classy way of saying, “Get your s**t together.” Formal definition: To lift up, to increase the level of, to make higher. “Elevate” fits the work I do. When clients REBUILD THEIR HEALTH, they also elevate it....
by Cathy Leman | May 7, 2021 | BITE Back, Breast Cancer, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Risk Reduction, STRIKE Back
“Eat everything in moderation”. You hear it all the time, yet what does that even mean? The definition of moderation: “avoiding extremes of behavior or expression; observing reasonable limits.” Some breast cancer nutrition advice, often shared by your oncologist: “Eat...