by Cathy Leman | Apr 22, 2021 | Inspiration, Lifestyle, Risk Reduction
Throughout my career as a nutrition therapist, I’ve watched too many women fight hard not to lose themselves to the various pieces of their lives; work, family, friends, social, volunteerism, church, etc. I wish I had a magic self-care wand. This special wand would...
by Cathy Leman | Jan 14, 2021 | Lifestyle, Motivation, Risk Reduction
There’s a lot going on these days, said everyone, everywhere. Pandemic and political unrest aside, as a breast cancer survivor you have your own “stuff” happening. Maybe you woke up thinking, “Today I start exercising.”, only to once...
by Cathy Leman | Oct 1, 2020 | Breast Cancer, Risk Reduction
Unless you’ve been on the receiving end of a breast cancer diagnosis, there’s no way to understand what it’s like. It wasn’t up to me. The breast cancer diagnosis. I had zero say in the matter. My opinion wasn’t requested. October 27, 2014....
by Cathy Leman | Apr 23, 2020 | BITE Back, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
Want to meet me for a drink? Grab a glass of wine and discuss the day and life in general? In my pre-breast cancer days, I loved my red wine. Whether catching up with a friend or sharing a meal with my husband, a glass (or two) of a robust red was de rigueur....
by Cathy Leman | Aug 1, 2019 | Breast Cancer, Healthy Lifestyle, Inspiration, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
This experience begs the question, “Why on earth, with all the different types of breast cancer, treatment protocols, medication and surgical approaches, would a one-size-fits all approach to a healthy breast cancer lifestyle be best?” Information on...
by Cathy Leman | Feb 13, 2019 | Breast Cancer, Fitness, Heart Health, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
“An increasing number of patients with pre-existing cardiovascular diseases are presenting for breast cancer therapy, adding another level of complexity.” At ~108,000 beats per day, every minute of every hour, your heart faithfully pumps oxygen and...