by Cathy Leman | Oct 24, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Plant-based, Prevention, Risk Reduction
We don’t yet have true PREVENTION of breast cancer through diet, and it’s misleading to use that term as if we do. We can certainly adopt preventive lifestyle strategies and habits, but for now, the most accurate and truthful term is “risk reduction.” As...
by Cathy Leman | Oct 18, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Nutrition, Prevention, Risk Reduction
Nutritional genomics is a broad term encompassing nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, and nutritional epigenomics, all of which involve how nutrients and genes interact. Identifying the effects of individual nutrients or an entire nutritional plan based on an...
by Cathy Leman | Oct 11, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Intermittent fasting, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
Feeding and fasting alignment with the circadian clock speaks to the fact that we have a daily rhythm of sleep and wake; dark, when we’re normally sleeping and fasting, versus light when we’re awake and eating. We have circadian clocks in our brain and throughout our...
by Cathy Leman | Oct 4, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Healthy Eating, Inflammation, Nutrition, Risk Reduction
Sugar, in all its stark white, sparkling glory is an enormously popular, widely misunderstood, and hotly-debated topic in the breast cancer world. Rarely a week passes when I don’t hear or read “Sugar feeds breast cancer.” proclaimed with absolute certainty. People...
by Cathy Leman | Sep 13, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Healthy Lifestyle, Risk Reduction
Positive action elicits positive change. While we’ll never completely rid our environment of toxins and other substances with cancer-causing potential, if we all do our small part to reduce breast cancer risk, collectively we can’t help but make a significant positive...
by Cathy Leman | Jul 19, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Risk Reduction, sleep
Not only do we feel and function better when we get enough sleep, some research suggests it may help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence. I love to sleep. Actually, my husband may love for me to sleep even more than I love for me to sleep. When I don’t get my...