by Cathy Leman | Jun 17, 2021 | Breast Cancer, Fitness, Travel
Travel and change of place impart new vigour to the mind. – Seneca I couldn’t agree more with this quote from a Roman Stoic philosopher. Even for me, who’s at my best with a daily gym routine and home-cooked, nourishing food (can you say...
by Cathy Leman | Jun 29, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Dining Out, Fitness, Nutrition, Plant-based, Running, Strength Training, Travel, Travel Well, Vegan
We’ve arrived at the final installment of my three-part series on food, fitness and travel! I have so enjoyed sharing my “ah-ha” moments, challenges, and the many (but not all – that would be a crazy long post!) travel-well tips I picked up during my recent trip...
by Cathy Leman | Jun 21, 2018 | Breast Cancer, Dining Out, Nutrition, Plant-based, Travel, Vegan
I’ve just returned from two amazing weeks in Ireland – my first trip to this friendly country of stunning scenery, welcoming and hospitable people, and perhaps most surprising of all, delicious, healthy food! Especially in the smaller coastal towns, local,... by Cathy Leman | Oct 19, 2017 | BITE Back, Breast Cancer, Fitness, Lifestyle, MOVE Back, Nutrition, Oregon, Plant-based, Portland, Prevention, Risk Reduction, STRIKE Back, Travel, Vegan
Upon returning from my travels, my practice is to do a write-up highlighting information to help you stay “health-focused” should you one day find yourself visiting the same locale. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again (forever), packing healthy habits...