When you’ve spent time planning for and/or working toward a big event, two weeks out from the actual date feels a bit surreal. A wedding, a vacation, a milestone birthday celebration (I’ve done all three), the ACTUAL event really doesn’t matter. You’ve envisioned what you want and taken small steps daily, weekly, and monthly to make it happen – you know, “working toward achieving the goal.”

Yet while you’re in the moment doing all the stuff that moves you forward, it’s not uncommon to lose sight of the ACTUAL DAY. Maybe not completely lose sight of it, but at times it can seem so far off that it feels like the ACTUAL DAY will never arrive. We all know THAT’S not true.

As I look two weeks into the future, I’m really getting excited for the race. Wait. I’m going to stop calling it “the race”, because I’m not racing – I’m just running. To finish. I’m not worried in the least that I won’t finish; this is my second ½ marathon, and I’ve long lost count of how many organized runs I’ve participated in. But I’m excited for all of the excitement that surrounds a running event.

My brother is training for the same race, er, run. In fact, he’s the reason I’m running this particular ½, so that makes it even more fun. I’ve never run a “travel race event” before; every event I’ve done has been close enough that I just get out of my own bed and show up at the finish line. Oh wait, except The Soldier Field 10-Mile that I ran two years ago – we stayed at a hotel downtown. But that doesn’t count – Chicago’s loop is a mere 25 miles from my driveway :). The race I’m doing on the 27th actually requires several hours of driving and a hotel. And a restaurant. More on that in another post. So a travel event is fun, too. It’s different – I love different.

So yesterday, as I ran my second to last distance training run (I did 12 miles again!), practiced using my Honey Stinger Acai Pomegranate Flavor Organic Energy Gel (which I just can’t get enough of, seriously,) and staying adequately hydrated (there’s the dietitian/nutritionist in me again), I thought about all of the hours I’ve put in for a (hopefully) 2.5 hour run on the ACTUAL day.

Most Delicious Energy Gel Ever!

Most Delicious Energy Gel Ever!

And I smiled. I thought about how it reminded me of planning for and anticipating my wedding, our vacation trips to all sorts of different (I love different) places, and that other ½ marathon that I ran two years ago. Life is essentially one, long, goal setting, planning and achieving event – what’s yours?


Daffodils & Mittens Should Not Appear In Same Pic.

Daffodils & Mittens Should Not Appear In Same Pic