I clearly remember, way back in 1992, when the original food guide pyramid made its debut. I had just gone back to college to earn my nutrition degree and RD. I went to school at night, worked in corporate America by day. 

The building cafeteria placed pyramid table tents all around, and my co-workers asked what I thought of the new symbol. Taking only pre-requisite classes at that time, I, of course, had no training whatsoever in nutrition – but I did have an opinion.

I thought that it was an interesting way to bring the topic of nutrition to the public, but I wasn’t certain how helpful it would be – it seemed a little complicated. And that proved to be the case. Americans just couldn’t seem to translate the pyramid info into real-life servings and balanced meals – even after it underwent a revision. In fact, once I became an RD and began to teach the FGP, I found it challenging for people to apply.

Fast forward almost 20 years (yikes!) and we’re giving it another go, this time with a simpler approach. Since the introduction of that original pyramid, Americans have gotten heavier, more out of shape, nutrition related diseases are on the rise, and most people would welcome a useful tool to help them adopt healthier eating habits. Is MyPlate that tool? Time will tell.

But I love that it’s simple. Nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does have to be realistic. A plate is realistic and familiar, a pyramid is a destination, and for many, an unattainable one at that; not helpful in changing unhealthy habits!

So we may be onto something; stay tuned. Here’s an overview of the plate and the actionable guidelines that go along with it:

Balancing Calories
 Enjoy your food, but eat less.
 Avoid oversized portions.
 Foods to Increase
 Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
 Make at least half your grains whole grains.
 Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
 Foods to Reduce
 Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals and choose the foods with lower numbers.
 Drink water instead of sugary drinks.