You could interpret the title of this post to have a couple of different meanings. For instance, Food Rules! As in, it rocks, it’s the bomb, it’s the best thing EVER. Or you could interpret it as I intended when I wrote it; Food Rules, the structure or guidelines put in place to keep one’s food or eating habits in check.

I’ve had many conversations with clients this week about Food Rules. Rules used to deny or deprive. Rules used to avoid eating or even thinking about food. Rules used to control behavior.

Do you have any food rules? What are they, specifically? Think about whether they are supportive of a healthy relationship with food, or too tight, too restrictive, too limiting, preventing you from enjoying or engaging fully in nourishing your body.

Rules tend to be about what NOT to do. What if your food rules were turned around to become permissive and supportive? How would that change the way you approach food?