National Tofu Day

National Tofu Day

What is the big deal with tofu?  In the ER+/PR+ breast cancer survivor community you and I are part of, it comes down to three things: It’s soy It’s scary It’s misunderstood This post isn’t a deep-dive into soy, rather, on none other than National Tofu Day (I’m not...
Eating Well Made Easy

Eating Well Made Easy

“It’s easy, once you get the hang of it.” How many times, under how many different circumstances, have you heard that?  Rollerskating Riding a bike Falling in love (ok, maybe not that one) Now that you’ve finished treatment for your hormone-positive breast cancer, you...
Stop Nutrition Information Overload

Stop Nutrition Information Overload

Are you on nutrition information overload? Eat this, not that.  Take this supplement, not that one.  Stay away from ALL of this ________________ (insert every food you enjoy), but do eat ALL of this ________________ (insert every food you can’t tolerate. . .even a...
Intermittent Fasting Update

Intermittent Fasting Update

In 2018 I wrote an updated blog post on intermittent fasting (IF) and since that time, interest in this feeding behavior has only grown.  Because I regularly get questions about IF, I’m writing a very brief post (more at a later date) on current scientific thinking...
Food Trust

Food Trust

Are you stuck in the research rabbit hole?  You really, honestly, truly want to know what to eat. What to avoid. What foods will possibly help reduce your recurrence risk.  You try sorting through the research, but get more confused.  And then. . .your anxiety goes...