Phytoestrogen Fears | Part II

Phytoestrogen Fears | Part II

In Part I of this post I shared some background on phytoestrogens. In the hormone-driven post-treatment survivor community I hear this constantly; “A lot of foods have estrogen in them. I don’t want to eat anything that will make my cancer worse or come back.”...
Phytoestrogen Fears | PART I

Phytoestrogen Fears | PART I

Now that you’ve finished active treatment, think you’re ready to kiss fear and anxiety goodbye? Think again. Post-treatment survivorship is filled with scary things. Like PHYTOESTROGENS. How scared are you? As a survivor of hormone-driven breast...
Did I Get Cancer From My Food?

Did I Get Cancer From My Food?

Do you think your breast cancer is your fault? Maybe you think so, because you “indulged” too often in all the junky, fatty, sugary, unhealthy food you LOVE?  If only the path from disease-free to breast cancer diagnosis were that straightforward.  Science tells us...
It’s ALWAYS About the Food

It’s ALWAYS About the Food

After a hormone-positive breast cancer diagnosis, your world and your head are spinning. Especially about the food. It’s always about the food.  What should you eat? What should you avoid? What’s an eating plan you can follow for life? Why are the diet guidelines you...
Chocolate. . .Is It Safe?

Chocolate. . .Is It Safe?

What is it About Chocolate? As I write this blog, I’m enjoying a cup of NUMI chocolate pu-erh tea.  While the tea doesn’t taste very chocolatey, it’s delicious and cozy. What’s not to love about something chocolate? I adore chocolate and eat it often.  Maybe...