Join me for this two-part series where we’ll explore how the emotional side of breast cancer impacts your relationship with food. 

This is the stuff you won’t get from a breast cancer nutrition handout or 20-minute diet consultation at your cancer center, so let’s dive in.


Anxiety & fear are similar, yet different, emotions.

Anxiety is a non-specific, unfocused response to an IMAGINED threat or danger.

Fear is an automatic, biological reaction; it occurs in response to a SPECIFIC threat or danger.

Anxiety and fear can play off each other to gang up on you.

Especially when you reach for that piece of chocolate or glass of wine. 

In the breast cancer nutrition education and coaching that I do, I regularly see women reject foods they love and enjoy out of fear, then feel anxious when they do “allow” themselves to indulge.

Or simply, eat. 


If food makes you fearful, you likely believe a specific food will do something TO you; like bring your cancer back or make it worse. 

If food makes you anxious, you likely suffer from preoccupation with food, like: 

    • Second-guessing what you ate yesterday

    • Micro-managing your meal and snack planning 

    • Running all the food you ate today through your mind

Feeling anxious and afraid is a natural part of life, and I would argue, a normal part of a hormone-positive breast cancer diagnosis (I know, I’ve been there!).

Fear is natural and necessary – it can protect you.

Occasional anxiety is inescapable – you are human, you know.

But fear and anxiety can create an unhealthy preoccupation with food:

    • “Sugar can never cross my lips”

    • “I can eat only organic produce”

    • “I can’t drink a single drop of alcohol”

Not only is that an unsustainable way to navigate food, it’s no way to live.


Work to understand why food anxiety and fear have come to visit. 

Ask yourself this:

    • Are my emotions about food grounded in reality or based on irrational thoughts?

    • Can I reframe those thoughts to better serve me? 

    • Am I able to navigate these food emotions on my own, or do I need help?

Anxiety and fear are kissing cousins to panic, and you deserve to eat without any of those emotions hijacking your food joy. 

I encourage you to do the work to end the food fear and anxiety, so you can eat with peace, not panic.


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This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your dietitian or doctor for guidance specific to your needs.