After a hormone-positive breast cancer diagnosis, your world and your head are spinning.

Especially about the food.

It’s always about the food. 

What should you eat?

What should you avoid?

What’s an eating plan you can follow for life?

Why are the diet guidelines you find online and in outdated books so restrictive and complicated?


There are three principles that I teach all of my clients:

  • Stick with the basics, because simple nutrition is the most peaceful nutrition
  • Steer clear of all-or-nothing nutrition guidelines, regardless of how convincing they appear to be
  • Stop trying to eat a perfect diet, because food doesn’t have to be immaculate to be impactful

    Take a look at your own food and eating habits. Have they changed since your breast cancer diagnosis?

    If you answered yes, have they changed for the better? Or are they dragging you under and holding you hostage?


    Thanks for reading my blog post! Inspired and/or enlightened by what you read? Be sure to subscribe so you never miss a new post. 

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    This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your dietitian or doctor for guidance specific to your needs.