Regardless of how full you are from your meal, you always have room for dessert.

Am I right?

So why is it that regardless of how full your schedule is, you only sometimes have room for a workout? 

A few weeks ago I had a morning with just 20 minutes to devote to exercise. 

This is a huge departure for me. Generally, within a couple of days, I hit the minimum recommended amount of weekly exercise (150 minutes). 

I don’t share that to IMPRESS you, but to impress UPON you where on my priority list my exercise routine ranks.


My workout time is non-negotiable.

I make sure it happens before something else bumps it to the side.

But on this particular morning, for a reason I can’t recall, it was 20 minutes or nothing. Guess which I chose?

Yep. 20 minutes of cardio and weights.

That got me curious. I wondered what my breast cancer community would do. So naturally, I started a poll on my Instagram stories (follow me! @dammadaboutbreastcancer).

I asked whether people with only 20 minutes to exercise would do a workout or skip it.

100% of my sample said they would SKIP THEIR WORKOUT

Granted, it was a sample of one, but it confirmed what I’ve known forever. You think you need a huge chunk of time or your workout “doesn’t count.” 

My mission today? To convince you otherwise. 

What 20 Minutes of Physical Activity Can Do

Improve and/or positively influence: (1, 2, 3)

  • aromatase inhibitor-associated arthralgia (joint pain)
  • body composition
  • bone loss
  • cancer-related cognitive impairment
  • cardiotoxicity in non-metastatic patients
  • chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy
  • depression
  • fatigue
  • health-related fitness (aerobic fitness, muscular strength)
  • immune and cardiopulmonary function
  • insulin sensitivity
  • quality of life
  • secondary lymphedema
  • sleep dysfunction

This is an impressive list, but let’s be realistic. If you do ONLY 20 minutes of physical activity every once in awhile, you’re unlikely to experience any of these benefits in an impactful way. 

Because I’m a personal trainer, it’s simple for me to throw together a 20-minute workout on the fly.

But for you? Figuring out what to do in that 20 minutes may be a deterrent. 

Do you search online for 20-minute workouts, trying to find one that matches your fitness level and exercise style?

That can eat up your entire 20 minutes!

Stop searching! I’ve put together a 20-minute workout for you. 

I’ve added a few modifications and reminders for proper, safe form. If it’s too easy for you, take it to the next level (i.e. run in place, jumping jacks, jump squats etc.).

First step for any workout? Energizing music, preferably turned up LOUD

Pop in those earbuds, lace up your gym shoes, set your timer for 20 minutes and get going. 

Warm Up

Do each activity for 1 MINUTE.

  • March in place (pump your arms if you can)
  • Arm circles (as BIG as your range of motion allows)
  • Side-to-side bends (sit or stand)
  • Side-to-side twist (sit or stand)
  • Squat to stand (within painfree range of motion)
  • Toe touch to standing overhead reach


Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat routine three times.

  • Bicep curl (use heaviest weight you can manage safely) 
  • Modified, bent-knee push-ups (full push-up if you can)
  • Bridge pose hip lifts 
  • Shoulder press (use heaviest weight you can manage safely)
  • Reverse lunges 
  • Forearm plank

Cool Down

Do each stretch for 1 MINUTE.

  • Standing wide toe touch (feet wider than hip distance, rotate to bend and touch opposite toe)
  • Sit and reach (legs extended, keep back straight and reach fingers toward toes)
  • Side bend stretch (reach overhead to opposite side; hold it 5 counts then switch)
  • Chest stretch (lace fingers behind your back, pull hands gently away from your body, look up)
  • Cat cow stretch (on hands and knees, arch your back like a cat, then in opposite direction)

Did I convince you that 20 minutes of something is always better than doing nothing? Let me know in the comments below.

Did you find this workout routine helpful? After you’ve done the workout a few times, get in touch and tell me how it’s going! 

And please, share this post with someone in the breast cancer community that needs a little inspiration, information and encouragement. 


Thanks for reading my blog post!

Most survivors of hormone-positive breast cancer get anxious when they think about what to eat after finishing treatment, so I’ve created the Peaceful Plate program to help survivors eat with peace, not panic. 

When you eat with peace, you feel free to enjoy your food again.

Ready to eat with peace? 

CLICK HERE and grab your FREE copy of The Five Foods Survivors Should Eat

CLICK THIS LINK and watch my 2-minute Peaceful Plate program video!

Follow me on Instagram @hormone.breastcancer.dietitian

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your dietitian or doctor for guidance specific to your needs.


pecific to your needs.


  1. Exercise for breast cancer survivors: research evidence and clinical guidelines. 
  2. Exercise guidelines for cancer survivors: are fitness and quality-of-life benefits enough to change practice?
  3. Physical Activity, Exercise and Breast Cancer – What Is the Evidence for Rehabilitation, Aftercare, and Survival A Review