Remember how you “used” to eat?

You gave a nod to your health, but you ordered the side of fries and that second glass of red wine without much thought.


  • You’ve cut out red meat 
  • You’re trying to avoid sugar
  • You’re eating whole food plant-based, perhaps vegan, organic-forward and dairy-free

And you hate it. 

You’re eating this way only because you think you “have to”. 

Let’s be honest. 

If you’d never been diagnosed, you’d never have changed your diet (so drastically).

You’re mourning the way you ate before your cancer, but you’re terrified to give up all the dietary restrictions you’ve put in place. 

If that’s you, we need to chat.

What you’re doing isn’t sustainable, and it’s depriving you of so much joy! 



No single food will cause a recurrence, and it’s possible to eat for breast health with a nod to potentially reducing recurrence risk without losing your dang mind! 

How to? 

First, decide that you (not the food!) are in charge of what you put on your plate. When you make that decision, your mindset shifts to one of empowerment versus feeling held hostage by your diet. 

Next, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, and I’ll never stop saying it (unless the science changes!), no single food causes nor increases your risk of recurrence. 

I don’t care how many websites, blogs or social media posts you’ve read to the contrary, science doesn’t support that. 

Starting today, what can you do to take a step toward releasing that food resentment?  Tell me in the comments below!


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This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

Please consult your dietitian or doctor for guidance specific to your needs.